Dee Rees I grew up in Nashville in a white suburb. We lived next to a Klan member. We didn’t see hoods, but my dad knew that guy was a Grand Dragon. – Dee Rees Dad Quotes Dragon Quotes Grand Quotes Grew Quotes Guy Quotes Hoods Quotes Klan Quotes Lived Quotes Nashville Quotes Suburb Quotes White Quotes People have almost been lulled into complacency because there are no signs over the water fountains. But the signs have been in the policies. There’s still housing discrimination and wage discrimination. History informs where we are and how we got here.
Jan Egeland Although we have do not have adequate access to all parts of Darfur we do fortunately have humanitarian personnel, including staff from my own office, in each of the three provincial capitals of Darfur. – Jan Egeland
Andrew Coyle Bradley Shakespeare’s idea of the tragic fact is larger than this idea and goes beyond it; but it includes it, and it is worth while to observe the identity of the two in a certain point which is often ignored. – Andrew Coyle Bradley
Agatha Christie I’ve always believed in writing without a collaborator, because where two people are writing the same book, each believes he gets all the worry and only half the royalties. – Agatha Christie
Chief Joseph I cannot tell how much my heart suffered for my people while at Leavenworth. – Chief Joseph
ChanceDave Brubeck There’s a way of playing safe, there’s a way of using tricks and there’s the way I like to play which is dangerously where you’re going to take a chance on making mistakes in order to create something you haven’t created before. – Dave Brubeck
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