Jennifer LopezWomen I grew up in the Bronx where you would stay up late with your girlfriends, just being silly in our bedrooms, whatever. And I was always the clown. – Jennifer Lopez Bedrooms Quotes Bronx Quotes Clown Quotes Girlfriends Quotes Grew Quotes Late Quotes Silly Quotes Stay Quotes Women Quotes If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love anybody else. And I think as women we really forget that. Hair extensions and wigs are not the same thing. Wigs are for old ladies and drag queens. Extensions are for women who want longer hair. To be safe, never bring it up if you think a woman is wearing either. No good comes of it.
Donna Strickland My PhD project was actually doing something that required a high-intensity laser. It was supposed to work in a way that many, many photons of light would interact with an atom all at the same time. – Donna Strickland
Dave Matthews So often we talk about saving the planet, but what we really mean is to save the planet the way it is, so we can live here. So that is can sustain us. – Dave Matthews
Robert Nozick There is no justifiable prediction about how the hypothesis will hold up in the future; its degree of corroboration simply is a historical statement describing how severely the hypothesis has been tested in the past. – Robert Nozick
Nick Kyrgios I think at times I get treated a bit unfairly, but then so do other athletes in Australia, and I feel like things can change. – Nick Kyrgios
Josh Barnett To me, professional wrestling is made up of that: Olympians, world-class power-lifters, fighters, boxers, and you name it. – Josh Barnett
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