Alice Temperley I grew up in the countryside and always used to wear my parents’ Barbour jackets. It is a fantastic British heritage brand. – Alice Temperley Barbour Quotes Brand Quotes British Quotes Countryside Quotes Fantastic Quotes Grew Quotes Heritage Quotes Jackets Quotes Parents Quotes Wear Quotes I’m a morning person, really alert. I don’t think many people would think I’m a designer. I behave in a different way. I’d get knocked down and cut to pieces if I went home and flounced about; this industry is known for the flounciness, but I’ve got my feet on the ground.
Anatole FranceChange All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. – Anatole France
Lucian Freud A painter must think of everything he sees as being there entirely for his own use and pleasure. – Lucian Freud
Kevin Parker Songwriting has become such a big part of what I do that emotions and the melodies that accompany them blur into one. – Kevin Parker
Philip Treacy Hats are attached to special moments in people’s lives – weddings, or the races. In difficult times, people still get married; they still want to look their best. – Philip Treacy
Alex Garland I think that screenwriting probably isn’t seen as writing in the same way that novel-writing is seen as writing. But I certainly don’t see it that way. – Alex Garland
David Andrew Sinclair We used to think that aging was a lot like, as if we were cars made fresh and youthful and then we’ve entered this breakdown in diet. What we didn’t realize until recently is that we’re much more complex than a car. We fix ourselves if we’re broken. – David Andrew Sinclair
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