Brooke Baldwin I grew up knowing my grandfather had served our country for decades in the Navy, buried in his whites in Arlington; I have family members who are veterans. – Brooke Baldwin Arlington Quotes Buried Quotes Country Quotes Decades Quotes Family Quotes Grandfather Quotes Grew Quotes Knowing Quotes Navy Quotes Served Quotes Veterans Quotes Whites Quotes When President Ashraf Ghani gave his 2014 inaugural speech at the presidential palace, he choked up thanking his wife for her support and announced that she would take on a public role. That a male leader in Afghanistan would thank his spouse – let alone go on to promote her work and appear with her publicly – made news around the world. I’m reporting on a world at war.
Justin Cronin There’s an outline for each of the books that I adhere to pretty closely, but I’m not averse to taking it in a new direction, as long as I can get it back to where I need it to go. – Justin Cronin
Emily Oster If you asked me which gives me more joy, my work or my family, there is no question that it’s my family. Hands down. If I had to give one up, it wouldn’t even be a contest. – Emily Oster
Chris Gardner Don’t wait for the perfect time to start making changes to your life; the time is now. – Chris Gardner
Stanley Crouch Our society has gotten to the point where we might soon become less and less shocked by any kind of violence. – Stanley Crouch
Ron Chernow A lot of the money in the stock market is really our national retirement plan, for better or worse. – Ron Chernow
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