Raymond Burr I grew up near the sea in British Columbia and San Francisco, and lived in Malibu and Fiji for years. I get uncomfortable being too far inland. – Raymond Burr British Quotes Columbia Quotes Fiji Quotes Francisco Quotes Grew Quotes Inland Quotes Lived Quotes Malibu Quotes San Quotes Sea Quotes Uncomfortable Quotes I don’t have much of an ego, but I have a great deal of confidence! Over a period of time, if you have a successful show, then you have a devoted audience. I feel you owe something to them. That goes for everybody – writers, camera operators, actors, studio executives, etc. Sadly, I’ve realized it’s a responsibility that very few people live up to.
Jim Kerr I am a huge sports fan and could easily reel off a load of sports stars who became idols to me. – Jim Kerr
Lukas Foss It is the element I miss in electronic music – no performance, no loving immersion. Maybe that is why I was never particularly drawn to electronic music. – Lukas Foss
Atticus Shaffer All I know, is that I feel extremely blessed to be on TV. It’s a hard job, but real life is harder. Truth be told, playgrounds can be war zones. – Atticus Shaffer
DreamsIleana Ros-Lehtinen No matter where you are from, no matter what your background is, no matter what your socioeconomic status is, every person can achieve his or her dreams. – Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Gary Shteyngart I always think that good writers should be growing up on the brink of death – it really lets them see mortality very clearly. – Gary Shteyngart
Pamela Druckerman Before Donald Trump took office, optimism about his presidency was the lowest of any president-elect since at least the 1970s. – Pamela Druckerman
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