Channing Tatum I grew up watching ‘Braveheart’ and ‘Gladiator.’ Those are my ‘Star Wars.’ They have values and traits about them that I wish I had. – Channing Tatum Braveheart Quotes Gladiator Quotes Grew Quotes Star Quotes Traits Quotes Values Quotes Wars Quotes Watching Quotes I did not go to military school. I had an option either a military school or a private school. I don’t know how to get that out of the information that’s out there. Daniel Day-Lewis and Sean Penn to me are the two best actors of all time. I’m just glad to have the pleasure to be in an era that they’re acting while I’m acting. They’re probably the best actors in my mind.
Eddie Vedder You can go down the list of great artists and kind of understand that they are products of their environment. Whether it’s U2 or Henry Rollins or myself or Johnny Lydon, they’re gonna be products of their environment. – Eddie Vedder
Joy Reid No president can force shuttered mills to reopen, or companies who’ve left in search of cheaper labor to relocate to the United States (or those who have come back to choose expensive humans over cheaper robots). – Joy Reid
Mandy Bujold Boxing gave me a path in life. Because of boxing, I learned what I’m capable of achieving if I put my mind to it and how hard work can and will pay off in the end. It gave me confidence and taught me to face fear straight on and dig down deep when times get tough. – Mandy Bujold
Michael McKean After I left ‘Laverne & Shirley,’ I got a ton of offers to play the goofy guy next door, and there were a couple of series that I was offered that turned out to be successful series, but it was too close to what I’d done on my series, and I was really glad I didn’t take it. – Michael McKean
Dan Fogler I’ve always felt like if I was going to be born any other time that it would be during the ’60s or definitely during Woodstock. – Dan Fogler
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