Mila Kunis I had a snowboarding accident. I fell off a horse. I’ve had a concussion, a fractured rib… I walk into walls. I’m always bruised up. – Mila Kunis Accident Quotes Bruised Quotes Concussion Quotes Fell Quotes Fractured Quotes Horse Quotes Rib Quotes Snowboarding Quotes Walk Quotes Walls Quotes I am… stubborn, and I admit it, so it’s OK. Always have a backup plan.
Chris Coleman It doesn’t help me to burn bridges, but I’m not going to sit back and be given blame when I don’t deserve it. – Chris Coleman
Elon MuskGood A company is a group organized to create a product or service, and it is only as good as its people and how excited they are about creating. I do want to recognize a ton of super-talented people. I just happen to be the face of the companies. – Elon Musk
Deeyah Khan Britain has been responsible for the undermining of democracy, turning a blind eye to abuses by its allies, using extraordinary rendition to get around the rule of law, passing over the denial of individual liberties to dissidents, and the evasion of the dismal situation for religious minorities. – Deeyah Khan
Peer Steinbruck Greece will not manage to get back on its feet without restructuring its debt. There is no way around it. The country’s creditors will have to reduce a portion of its debts by extending maturity dates, lowering interest rates or giving them what’s called a ‘haircut’ in financial jargon. – Peer Steinbruck
Rose Leslie I’m not yet fortunate enough to take only the scripts that capture my fancy, but each one has to be a new experience, to put me in a light that audiences haven’t necessarily seen me before. – Rose Leslie
TravelWilliam Bartram The attention of a traveller, should be particularly turned, in the first place, to the various works of Nature, to mark the distinctions of the climates he may explore, and to offer such useful observations on the different productions as may occur. – William Bartram
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