Mike McCue I had been reading magazines a lot, and I love magazines, and so I was always asking myself why is it that these gorgeous articles just don’t translate well to the web? Presentation was one aspect of it. – Mike McCue Articles Quotes Aspect Quotes Gorgeous Quotes Lot Quotes Love Quotes Magazines Quotes Presentation Quotes Reading Quotes Translate Quotes That’s why we created Flipboard as a social magazine meant for an iPad, meant for a large touch-screen device. That idea of content presented beautifully, oriented around communities and special topics of interest, is really powerful. As a publisher, you should decide what content is free and what you’d pay for. You have to get the packaging right, but people will pay for content.
Justin Thomas The guys at Titleist make it so easy on us. Anything I need they’ll do for me. Anything I want to change, they’ll help me with. – Justin Thomas
Steve King The idea of multiculturalism, that every culture is equal – that’s not objectively true. – Steve King
Chandra Wilson Grey’s’ is one of those shows… that’s been able to ride so many waves. – Chandra Wilson
Adrienne Mayor Pergamon, a prosperous city in western Anatolia, was fabled to have been founded by Hercules’ son. Like many Hellenistic cities populated by Greeks who intermarried with indigenous people, Pergamon after Alexander the Great’s death (323 B.C.) had evolved a hybrid of democracy and Persian-influenced monarchy. – Adrienne Mayor
Louise Gluck It seems to me in the past it’s been a good thing, as a writer, to have experiences I hadn’t expected. – Louise Gluck
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