Alexandra Daddario I had done a lot of running in ‘Texas Chainsaw’ and sword-fighting in ‘Percy Jackson,’ which taught me to fall properly. – Alexandra Daddario Chainsaw Quotes Fall Quotes Jackson Quotes Lot Quotes Percy Quotes Properly Quotes Running Quotes Swordfighting Quotes Taught Quotes Texas Quotes My mom lives in New York still in the home that I grew up in. I wasn’t all that familiar with the ‘Texas Chainsaw’ franchise, and I knew who Leatherface was, but I had never seen any of the films, so I didn’t know what the meaning behind it was.
Joe Wicks I Snapchat in the bath. I Snapchat when I wake up. I’m giving people inspiration. It’s like a TV show. – Joe Wicks
CoolJimmy Kimmel The truth is, we have this idea that late night is about creativity and being cool, but that’s not our job. Our job is to get as many people watching the commercials in between our show. That’s the reality of it. – Jimmy Kimmel
Matthew Stover I was never interested in writing novelizations. I’m still not. Especially not for ‘Star Wars.’ – Matthew Stover
Caroline Garcia I had other coaches when I was younger but my father was there, following all my training. He has seen as much tennis as many coaches on tour. – Caroline Garcia
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