Henry Morton Stanley I had intended to have gone into Africa incognito. But the fact that a white man, even an American, was about to enter Africa was soon known all over Zanzibar. – Henry Morton Stanley Africa Quotes American Quotes Enter Quotes Incognito Quotes Intended Quotes White Quotes Zanzibar Quotes The Europeans and Americans residing in the town of Zanzibar are either Government officials, independent merchants, or agents for a few great mercantile houses in Europe and America. Dr. David Livingstone left the Island of Zanzibar in March, 1866.
Arvind Kejriwal MPs are basically bonded labourers of their parties. And it is the party high command of each party, which takes decisions. – Arvind Kejriwal
Justin Zackham I was out in L.A. and I had gone to film school and I was out here for a couple of years. For a lot of years, I was bartending and having a good time. – Justin Zackham
Nick Harkaway In both ‘Tigerman’ and my first book, ‘The Gone-Away World,’ there are characters who never really get names. They’re too fundamentally who they are to be bound by a name, so I couldn’t give them one. – Nick Harkaway
Michael Chandler Benson Henderson is a guy that I fought before. He has two arms and two legs. He has certain patterns, mannerisms and tendencies that I know I can go out there and exploit. – Michael Chandler
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