Rupali Ganguly I had major thyroid issues, so your fertility count does go down. – Rupali Ganguly Count Quotes Fertility Quotes Issues Quotes Major Quotes Thyroid Quotes Having a child was difficult. My son is no less than a miracle for me.
Delhi Ganesh Kamal Haasan makes sure that his co-artists wear the safety gear when they perform stunts. – Delhi Ganesh
Jack Nicholson If men are honest, everything they do and everywhere they go is for a chance to see women. – Jack Nicholson
Bud Grant Being cold for a short period of time is not life-threatening. You can perform a task when you’re cold. We proved that when the Vikings played outside. – Bud Grant
Miriam Shor When I gave a direction to an actor in the show, I know their whole journey better than a guest director could know it. – Miriam Shor
Method Man I’m an entertainer, so in whatever form I entertain… The thing about being a rapper is that you have more control over your form, whereas with acting you have to compromise a lot. – Method Man
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