Clive Davis I had no idea what awaited me when I took a job with CBS Records, and it was a total surprise to find I had a gift and an ear for music. – Clive Davis Awaited Quotes Cbs Quotes Ear Quotes Gift Quotes Idea Quotes Job Quotes Music Quotes Records Quotes Surprise Quotes Total Quotes My introduction of Whitney was that if there’s going to be one performer for the next generation who combined the beauty and lyric phrasing of a Lena Horne with those Gospel fiery roots of an Aretha Franklin, it would be Whitney Houston. Having lost both my parents as a teenager, family is so important to me, and I cherish my time with my children and grandchildren. I have four children, and they all became lawyers – as I was myself before I got into music.
Philip Emeagwali Nigeria is a West African nation of over 100 million energetic people. It is endowed with lots of natural resources but lacks human resources. – Philip Emeagwali
David Harsanyi My parents both defected from communist Hungary and were what most people would today call libertarian. I grew up with a general distaste for taxation and any policy that intruded on our lives. – David Harsanyi
Bruno Sammartino I’m not bragging, but my reputation among my peers was Bruno was a horse I never got tired. – Bruno Sammartino
Chris Bosh If somebody attacks me with words, I’m always like, ‘Do you know me? Do you know me that well? Let’s have a beer and talk about it.’ – Chris Bosh
Johannes Kepler I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses. – Johannes Kepler
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