Alexi Zentner I had not expected to ever be in a position to able to say, ‘Hey, see the magazine with J. Lo on the cover? They reviewed my book inside.’ – Alexi Zentner Book Quotes Cover Quotes Expected Quotes Hey Quotes Lo Quotes Magazine Quotes Position Quotes Reviewed Quotes My children have stolen my dreams in a very literal sense. I’ve lost months in the minutes and hours that Sabine and Zoey have needed me at night, their thin, butterfly-beating hearts pushed against me in the darkness. There is a huge tension in trying to write with small children because they demand your attention and your time with a fierceness that can be matched by nothing else, but if you are successful in writing while you have small children, I actually think that your writing is likely to be deeper than it was before.
Christopher Alexander Speaking as a builder, if you start something, you must have a vision of the thing which arises from your instinct about preserving and enhancing what is there… If you’re working correctly, the feeling doesn’t wander about. – Christopher Alexander
DeAndre Jordan Honestly now, I’m so much more comfortable at the line and I’ve gotten so many reps up. Now I feel like when I shoot it, I go up so much more confident thinking, ‘OK I’m going to make this one.’ – DeAndre Jordan
Joan Jett Def Leppard is obviously a different band that we are, but the music work well tighter. And the audiences seem work well together too. We are opening, but we’re having a good time. – Joan Jett
Richard Dawson If I never do another thing, I’ve met the good, sweet people of the world. – Richard Dawson
Kevin Nealon What happened was, I always wanted to be a singer/songwriter kind of guy like a James Taylor or Crosby, Stills and Nash type of thing; I went to a lot of coffee houses and used to watch all those guys, but I never had the nerve to get up and do it because singing seems so personal and intimate to me. It was too revealing. – Kevin Nealon
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