Eline Powell I had this awesome tennis teacher when I was 12 who was Icelandic. He looked like a Viking: long hair, and he was built like a rock and spoke with this accent. – Eline Powell Accent Quotes Awesome Quotes Built Quotes Hair Quotes Icelandic Quotes Looked Quotes Rock Quotes Spoke Quotes Teacher Quotes Tennis Quotes Viking Quotes Do you ever sit in Starbucks and watch people go by? Everyone has energy around them, and you can tell what kind of person they are just by the way they walk and talk. I’m a bit of a melting pot, I try to speak British, but there’s some European lilt – a not-so-conventional one because I’m Belgian, from the Flemish part. Dutch was my mother language, and I learned English, and I speak French, too.
Laurel Van Ness Bound for Glory’ week was such a whirlwind. With it being filmed in Canada, it was really exciting for me. Although it was on the East Coast and I’m from the West Coast, still felt like I was kind of in my hometown, I don’t know. – Laurel Van Ness
Grover Norquist Spending should be transparent. All spending by the Pentagon should be online. Every check. Exceptions should be made for legitimate national security issues. But military and civilian pay and retirement benefits are not state secrets. This has already been done in many state governments. – Grover Norquist
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