Ali Wong I have a B.A. from UCLA. In ethnic studies. – Ali Wong Ethnic Quotes Studies Quotes Ucla Quotes At the end of the day, I’m not really trying to make a statement with any of my standup. I’ve seen many female comics that a lot of people haven’t heard of who are so funny, and I saw them come up, and they were working so hard, and then all of a sudden they had a baby, and they just got tied up in motherhood, and eventually, they kind of just stopped doing stand-up, and I thought it was such a shame.
Nani I have realised that I am not cut out for the regular, commercial potboilers. I know I don’t have it in me to do such films. – Nani
James S Coleman The present structure of rewards in high schools produces a response on the part of an adolescent social system which effectively impedes the process of education. – James S Coleman
Graham Elliot I really see food as subjective. It’s a creative outlet. It’s something that you do for fun. It’s a gray area. It’s not black and white or right and wrong. – Graham Elliot
Albert Finney I’m doing another Churchill. I did a Churchill for HBO and that was up to 1939 and there’s talk of the war years. They were going to do it this fall, but the script wasn’t going to be ready. – Albert Finney
Georges Bataille The sovereign being is burdened with a servitude that crushes him, and the condition of free men is deliberate servility. – Georges Bataille
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