Karla Crome I have a camp fascination with all things musical theatre – I’ve even got the box set of ‘Britannia High.’ – Karla Crome Box Quotes Britannia Quotes Camp Quotes Fascination Quotes Musical Quotes Set Quotes Theatre Quotes The great thing about theatre is that the performance develops over the run – it changes each time. I don’t want to sound like a broken record but I do tire of the reality TV thing.
Glenn Kelman From squalls, jibes, and other sudden calamities, I learned you don’t always get to decide when you’ve got to make a decision. – Glenn Kelman
Nguyen Tan Dung When I was in the army, there were four times that I was wounded. I also got more than 30 wounds on my body, and my injuries were ranked on the second rank of invalids. The first rank is the most severe. So, that means that I had lost more than 60 per cent of working capability. – Nguyen Tan Dung
Garrett Hardin The rational man finds that his share of the cost of the wastes he discharges into the commons is less than the cost of purifying his wastes before releasing them. – Garrett Hardin
Sonu Kakkar Reality shows are the perfect platform to boost one’s career and the only way new singers can get work. – Sonu Kakkar
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