HumorJudith Leiber I have a good sense of humor. I think everything we do should have whimsy in it. – Judith Leiber Humor Quotes Sense Quotes Whimsy Quotes For me, humor is everything! I never write anything without humor, just because I like humor, but at the same time, it is a way for anything fantastical to become relatable.
Charles Bass There is a difference between strategic or technical default and default where you really don’t have the economy to support the spending. We are not at that point yet. We could be. We could be, like some European nations. – Charles Bass
Lawrence Lessig Now that copyrights can be just about a century long, the inability to know what is protected and what is not protected becomes a huge and obvious burden on the creative process. – Lawrence Lessig
Jack Dee But I like going to church. If you’ve been brought up in the Church of England, it feels like visiting an elderly relative. And I think it’s important that part of the kids’ education is knowing about the Bible. – Jack Dee
Ingrid Seward Like many things, the hardest part about meditation is the decision to put aside the time for it. – Ingrid Seward
Greg Rusedski You can’t really describe how difficult it is to deal with. It is any athlete’s worst nightmare to be accused of cheating by taking drugs. It really is very difficult to put into words how it makes you feel. – Greg Rusedski
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