Gloria Stuart I have a private press. I’m a book artist. I publish books of other authors and artists. I do the illustrating. I set the type. I print it myself on my press. I do everything but bind it. – Gloria Stuart Artist Quotes Artists Quotes Authors Quotes Bind Quotes Book Quotes Books Quotes Illustrating Quotes Press Quotes Print Quotes Private Quotes Publish Quotes Set Quotes Type Quotes I wanted to be a theater actress, but I thought it would be easier to get to New York and the theater if I had a name than if I just walked the streets as a little girl from California.
John CassavetesMovies People don’t know what they are doing most of the time. They don’t know what they want. It’s only in ‘the movies’ that they know what their problems are and have game plans to deal with them. – John Cassavetes
Ron DeSantis If your goal is to destroy ISIS, there needs to be a ground force. It could be American or foreign. – Ron DeSantis
Steven Biko We are concerned with that curious bunch of nonconformists who explain their participation in negative terms: that bunch of do-gooders that goes under all sorts of names – liberals, leftists, etc. These are the people who argue that they are not responsible for white racism and the country’s ‘inhumanity to the black man.’ – Steven Biko
Kether Donohue I kind of wanted to be a waitress in New York City. I thought it was fun and glamorous in its own way. Like in the movie ‘Beaches,’ when Bette Midler is banging on the radiator, and it’s cold, and she’s poor. I kind of thought that would be fun to be, like, a poor, struggling actor. – Kether Donohue
Dominic Purcell My fighting style, if you will, is a combination of mimicking, cowboy films and boxing that I have done throughout my life. – Dominic Purcell
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