Jennifer Granholm I have a problem with Mitt Romney. And it’s big problem – one that extends beyond our ideological differences. My big concern is that Mitt Romney wants to become president for no other reason than because there’s a possibility he can win. – Jennifer Granholm Concern Quotes Differences Quotes Extends Quotes Ideological Quotes Mitt Quotes Possibility Quotes President Quotes Reason Quotes Romney Quotes Win Quotes When I was fresh out of law school, I had a burning desire to do something important, to have an impact in some way, but I didn’t know what it was. Today in America we are no more ‘post-racial’ than we are ‘post-partisan.’ We have a long way to go.
Joey Votto One of the advantages of playing in a smaller market is that I can go back to Toronto, or all across the States and never be recognized. I get to go out to dinner, walk my dog, or go to the mall and nobody knows who I am. – Joey Votto
Janine Shepherd When I got home from hospital, and I was in a wheelchair in a plaster body cast, an aeroplane flew over. And I thought to myself, ‘Well, if I can’t walk, then I might as well fly.’ And I was lifted into the aeroplane for the first time. And when I took the controls of the aeroplane, I knew this was something I could do. I thought, ‘I can fly.’ – Janine Shepherd
Alisyn CamerotaParenting I hear women say, ‘It’s so hard to be a working parent because you can’t give 100% to everything.’ And I say, ‘So what. Who cares?’ I’m a big proponent of the Good Enough School Of Parenting and the Good Enough School Of Journalism. – Alisyn Camerota
Leslie Fiedler There are things in American culture that want to wipe the class distinction. Blue jeans. Ready-made clothes. Coca-Cola. – Leslie Fiedler
Jacki Weaver The thing about being an actor is that every new job is a new challenge. Sometimes you’ll have a shot, and it doesn’t work. Sometimes it’ll work better than you expected. – Jacki Weaver
Sprague Grayden I’ve never done an action show, really. On ‘Jericho,’ other people got to ride horses and shoot guns, but I never did. – Sprague Grayden
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