Haley Bennett I have a tendency to lean towards a more retro look. – Haley Bennett Lean Quotes Retro Quotes Tendency Quotes I always wanted to do things on my own terms, and unfortunately in this industry, that’s not something that is easily given. You’re at the mercy of other people, but then you still have that drive to continue on. That’s an equation for a lot of heartbreak. I like to accentuate the feminine form, so I’m a big fan of corsets. A woman’s body is beautiful and should be shown off and celebrated. I love a simple and elegant dress that highlights my waist.
Deborah Joy Winans My first job out of CalArts was performing monologues at the Women of Faith conferences across the country. – Deborah Joy Winans
Edgar Quinet Universal orthodoxy is enriched by every new discovery of truth: what at first appeared universal, by wishing to stand still, sooner or later becomes a sect. – Edgar Quinet
Diplo That’s what I care about is the people I work with and representing them and helping to make their music apparent for the rest of the world. – Diplo
Jane Krakowski I am someone who puts their takeout or leftovers into the Tupperware and stores it in the refrigerator overnight. – Jane Krakowski
Lee Hyeon-seo I just wanted to see China with my own eyes. I wanted to see whether North Korea was the best country in the world or China was the best. I grew up believing that China was much worse than North Kore, because that’s what the regime told us. – Lee Hyeon-seo
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