Jackson Rathbone I have an American top hat that’s collapsible and works as a frisbee. – Jackson Rathbone American Quotes Collapsible Quotes Frisbee Quotes Hat Quotes I lived in Norway and Texas when I was a kid. I think a girl looks good when she wakes up with nothing on her face.
James Fenton Hearing that the same men who brought us ‘South Park’ were mounting a musical to be called ‘The Book of Mormon,’ we were tempted to turn away, as from an inevitable massacre. – James Fenton
Raphael Varane It’s hard to criticise Ronaldo. When we come back from an away game at 4 A.M., he is one of the players that goes straight to the training complex to jump in cold water to accelerate the speed of his recovery. He is an example to follow. – Raphael Varane
Suman Ranganathan I love what I do and I don’t allow language to become a restriction. – Suman Ranganathan
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