Malin Akerman I have been a goof my whole life. I wasn’t really the popular girl in school and didn’t have any boyfriends in high school because I was a nerd. I was a geek. – Malin Akerman Boyfriends Quotes Geek Quotes Girl Quotes Goof Quotes Life Quotes Nerd Quotes Popular Quotes School Quotes I was really shy growing up. I had braces, headgear, and no boobs – still don’t. So, the boys weren’t interested in me. The only way I could get attention was by being a goof and a dork, which meant a lot of physical comedy. In Europe and Sweden, we see boobs on TV, and it’s not a big deal. Everyone has them; everyone has seen them.
Sanjay Dutt With the kids around, this is a different world to me. I spend a lot of time with them till they go to their playschool. I wake up early, have breakfast with them. I come back from work and am with them again till they go to bed by 10 P.M. Touch wood, this is what I wanted always. – Sanjay Dutt
Rakim I try to support my kids in what they do and, at the same time, not push them towards anything. – Rakim
Raymond E Feist In the end, my reasons for moving down the timeline and introducing a new cast have more to do with keeping myself entertained, on the assumption that if I get bored, my readers are going to be even more bored. – Raymond E Feist
Alexandra Petri George Washington didn’t have to make us laugh; he just had to establish precedents and avoid chopping down more cherry trees than he could possibly help. But somewhere along the line, Americans began expecting their presidents to do more than just govern. They also had to make us laugh. – Alexandra Petri
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