Cassie Scerbo I have been obsessed with ‘Full House’ since I was five years old. I just can’t stop watching the reruns! – Cassie Scerbo House Quotes Obsessed Quotes Reruns Quotes Watching Quotes This funny little film we did called ‘Sharknado’ has caused so much buzz, I would have never imagined. It’s literally caused more buzz than anything else I’ve ever done. I had no idea that it was going to turn into this phenomenon.
Debbie Reynolds My lifetime dream has been to assemble and preserve the history of the Hollywood film industry. – Debbie Reynolds
ArtOscar Wilde It is through art, and through art only, that we can realise our perfection. – Oscar Wilde
Alexandra Kosteniuk Studying is something I really love doing, and I just hope to have enough money for tuition. – Alexandra Kosteniuk
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