Milkha Singh I have been on the deathbed so many times and had to be given oxygen while training. I did not know if I would survive, but the roar of applause would lift me up. – Milkha Singh Applause Quotes Deathbed Quotes Lift Quotes Oxygen Quotes Roar Quotes Survive Quotes Times Quotes Training Quotes A child, when orphaned, can become anything. If I had not joined the Army, who knows, I may have become a dacoit. I give all credit to the Army; they found Milkha Singh. Whenever I returned after winning a race, my friends in the Army would lift me on their shoulders and break into Bhangra, irrespective of whether they knew the dance or not.
Natalya Neidhart Halloween simply has a special feel about it. School is back, everyone is settled into their routines following summer, and there is pumpkin spice everywhere. – Natalya Neidhart
John Paulson I still think, from an individual perspective, the best deal investment you can make is to buy a primary residence that you’re the owner-occupier of. – John Paulson
Anders Holm I’m pretty restless in bed, so I can lie there for a couple of hours and be like, ‘Hey, that happened today. What if that happened at a zoo?’ I’ll jot the idea down. Then I’m like, ‘All right, so now that it’s a zoo, that penguin’s loose,’ or, whatever. I usually start with broad ideas. – Anders Holm
Sreenivasan Some people can accept the changes in life in a mature way but for most others, it is never easy. – Sreenivasan
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