Jeremy Wade I have caught eels from Loch Ness, as we did a River Monsters episode which started off there. They weren’t very big – just 18 inches. I’m sure there may be bigger eels, but you’re only talking about 10lbs. – Jeremy Wade Bigger Quotes Caught Quotes Eels Quotes Episode Quotes Inches Quotes Loch Quotes Monsters Quotes Ness Quotes River Quotes Started Quotes Talking Quotes I have caught some big eels in New Zealand, where the climate is very similar to Scotland. But they grow to around five feet long. The great thing about freshwater fish is most of them are incredibly ugly, a lot of them are, so no one can fail to look good next to some of these things.
Robert J Bentley When we have agencies like EPA shutting down businesses, I don’t trust them at all. – Robert J Bentley
Lloyd Banks I see myself as a flashlight in the dark. I’m not trying to be overlooked anymore. – Lloyd Banks
Shaquille O'Neal I’m done with the nicknames. Actually, when I obtain my doctorate, I will not allow people to call me Shaq anymore, either. – Shaquille O’Neal
Peter Landesman Parkland’ is not out to pick a fight and start a dialogue about conspiracy. – Peter Landesman
LegalVincent Bugliosi A national legal organization is giving very serious thought to using The Betrayal of America as a legal basis for asking the House Judiciary Committee to institute impeachment proceedings against these five justices. – Vincent Bugliosi
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