Alice Eve I have deep compassion and support for Bruce Jenner. – Alice Eve Bruce Quotes Compassion Quotes Deep Quotes Jenner Quotes Support Quotes Both my parents are actors. I grew up on romantic comedies and love watching those films. They were, like, a real joy and a source of great pleasure and an escape.
Malorie Blackman I’m one of the few adults lucky enough to love their job. And when you’ve got bills to pay, you get on with it! I like challenges. – Malorie Blackman
Maria Konnikova For as long as writers have written, they’ve had second thoughts about their work. – Maria Konnikova
Lily Cole I’m not against people buying clothes; I think clothes are wonderful, and I’m very materialistic myself – but there’s a way of finding a compromise. I just think we can buy less and pay more, to make sure people aren’t being exploited. – Lily Cole
Dean Lewis You can write a song for someone, and then their mom doesn’t like it, and then it doesn’t get released. It could be the best song that you’ve ever written. I hated that, because I didn’t have any control. – Dean Lewis
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