Bobby Bones I have friends that are reps and run labels, but I don’t like to get into that world. I just like to pick what I like with my ears and play it for no other reason, not because of the label or the rep. – Bobby Bones Ears Quotes Friends Quotes Label Quotes Labels Quotes Pick Quotes Play Quotes Reason Quotes Rep Quotes Reps Quotes I have the best people around me. None of them have ever been on the radio. They’re all such great people, and I found that I was able to be a better person when I was doing the radio show. It kept me from being a radio person. I don’t believe in luck. I don’t believe in destiny. Instead, I believe that our lives are powered by countless microdecisions.
Nathan Chen Every day is a new day, and ultimately, I have to figure out what works each day. – Nathan Chen
ChanceDick CheneyEducationGraduation From kindergarten to graduation, I went to public schools, and I know that they are a key to being sure that every child has a chance to succeed and to rise in the world. – Dick Cheney
Randy Bachman Every night we all felt grateful to be there, stunned at the amount of people that are there, and stunned at their reactions. They go crazy; they know every lyric from eight years of age to eighty. It’s unbelievable. – Randy Bachman
Ronda Rousey What I’m really looking to do is retire undefeated; I’m not sure when the right time to retire will be, but I know that I’m not done yet. Something still feels unfinished, and that’s why I’m going to keep going. – Ronda Rousey
Nancy Juvonen I loved the notion of why women don’t tell each other the truth and why we find the friend who will tell us, ‘You’re not hearing back from the guy because he must have been called out of town.’ – Nancy Juvonen
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