Sherrod Brown I have generally and will always fight for clean air and safe drinking water laws. – Sherrod Brown Air Quotes Clean Quotes Drinking Quotes Fight Quotes Laws Quotes Safe Quotes Water Quotes I don’t look in the mirror and see a president of the United States. I don’t have that ambition. Year after year, President Bush has broken his campaign promises on college aid. And year after year, the Republican leadership in Congress has let him do it.
Anne BaxterWedding My grandfather Frank Lloyd Wright wore a red sash on his wedding night. That is glamour! – Anne Baxter
Dan Crenshaw As a long-time supporter of Israel, I will ensure that our alliance does not waver, and that America continues to support Israeli security, advocate for her on the international stage, and contain the threat from Iran and terrorism across the region. – Dan Crenshaw
Laurel Van Ness I am glad the world opened their eyes to female Japanese stars. I think people for so long paid attention to Mexico, Canada, Australia and England and never Japan. – Laurel Van Ness
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