Jack Whitehall I have got a fantastic life and I just like to get on with it, and I am quite a private person. – Jack Whitehall Fantastic Quotes Life Quotes Person Quotes Private Quotes Some comics have long routines to get them in the mood – I just prefer to sit down, write out the same jokes in a different order and then have a little prayer that I won’t be met by silence. There’s a real sense of camaraderie with sitcoms.
Jim Miller It’s definitely harder to stay in the UFC than to get to the UFC. The average wash-out rate is only three or four fights. So to have more than 20 fights is definitely an accomplishment. – Jim Miller
Mary HK Choi I’m a sucker when it comes to under-explored human potential and ‘stuff that makes you be better.’ – Mary HK Choi
Helen Fisher There are cognitive processes and limbic reactions associated with basic emotions. And you can change brain chemistry, but you’re still not going to change memories and experiences in a human being. – Helen Fisher
Elizabeth Marvel We have to be able to use our imaginations to make the character’s experiences real to us. – Elizabeth Marvel
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