Michelle Hunziker I have had only two men in four years while he appears every week on the newspapers with another woman. – Michelle Hunziker Appears Quotes Newspapers Quotes Week Quotes Woman Quotes We look in… Germany for a superstar. We began with 10,000 people, which applied. From these 10,000, 100 was selected. The jury is unbelievably competent. I had the luck that my parents educated me in three languages. With my mother I spoke Dutch, with my father Italian, and in the school I learned German. But my host language is Italian.
Kevin Cramer I really see the vocation of politics like I see every vocation – whether it’s being a reporter or serving in public life or being a plumber – as an extension of ministry. – Kevin Cramer
Clarence DarrowDeathGreat I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure. – Clarence Darrow
Jojo Moyes My writing life has included the struggle to bring up three children. What I do three or four times a year is take myself off to a hotel room to unblock a problem. – Jojo Moyes
Ray Comfort John Lennon was a musical genius. All I have to do is think of some of his songs and even the titles make me feel good… and I’m not the only one. His music has crossed cultures and even generations. – Ray Comfort
Peter Sunde The most ironic thing is that The Pirate Bay’s enemies include not just the U.S. government but also many European and the Russian one. – Peter Sunde
Ahmed Zewail Some leaders think time will solve the problem. Their hope is that Assad’s regime will ultimately fall from the heavy toll of the horrors it has spawned. From past experience with such regimes, this scenario is unlikely to happen. – Ahmed Zewail
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