Eliza Scanlen I have like a whole album of screenshots of my sister’s face, and it’s hilarious. One look at that and it’ll put you in a good mood for the rest of the day. – Eliza Scanlen Album Quotes Day Quotes Hilarious Quotes Mood Quotes Rest Quotes Screenshots Quotes Sisters Quotes I guess my sense of humour leans more towards irony and tongue-in-cheek performance. I’m quite close with my family, especially my twin sister, and it’s always hard to leave her.
Perfume Genius I started writing songs later in life because I just couldn’t commit to it before. – Perfume Genius
GraduationSandra Tsing Loh Almost 50 years old now, some 30 years after graduation, I look at my Caltech classmates and conclude that math whizzes do not take over the world. – Sandra Tsing Loh
Benjamin OrrCar I felt I never needed to fight for a more prominent songwriting and increased vocal role with the Cars. – Benjamin Orr
Baron Davis There was a gap in minority heroes in animation, books, and storytelling for me as a kid, and being a father now, I felt the responsibility I had to the next generation to create stories that allow us to wish and dream and build worlds that inspire young people who haven’t traditionally had these heroes to look up to. – Baron Davis
Daley Thompson I’m obsessive. I want to know the answer to how good I am. Most people aren’t. – Daley Thompson
Franklin D RooseveltHistory The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity – or it will move apart. – Franklin D Roosevelt
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