Flip WilsonHumor I have my outlet for my humor through my characters, and I also have the intimacy of rapport with my fans that allows me to explain my philosophy and spirituality. – Flip Wilson Characters Quotes Explain Quotes Fans Quotes Humor Quotes Intimacy Quotes Outlet Quotes Philosophy Quotes Rapport Quotes Spirituality Quotes Things can be funny only when we are in fun. When we’re ‘dead earnest,’ humor is the only thing that is dead. He was just trying to tease me – I knew that later – but he said he’d have to leave because it wasn’t fair to have anyone in the room who was going to make fun of what he had to say. He had a good sense of humor, really.
Alexandra Daddario When I first got here, I thought L.A. sucked. I hated it. I had this pretentious Manhattan thing. But now I’ve made such a life here, and I’m so happy here. They’re just really different places. I can’t really compare them because there’s great things about both of them. – Alexandra Daddario
Elizabeth Banks I’m very genetically blessed; I cannot deny it, but I work hard at keeping myself together. Yes, I have nice cheekbones and skinny legs, but I can’t take any credit for it. – Elizabeth Banks
Alice Dreger A hospital may spend several million dollars separating a pair of conjoined twins even though that separation is likely to leave them worse off. – Alice Dreger
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