Francisco Goldman I have never liked the memoir form because I tend to think that memory fictionalizes anyway. Once you claim that you are writing a narrative purely from memory, you are already in the realm of fiction. – Francisco Goldman Claim Quotes Fiction Quotes Fictionalizes Quotes Form Quotes Memoir Quotes Memory Quotes Narrative Quotes Purely Quotes Realm Quotes Tend Quotes Writing Quotes When I see a blatant injustice, I can’t keep quiet. I’ve been that way since I was a little kid. Say Her Name’ was a book I never wanted to write and never expected to write. I wasn’t trying to do anything except write a book for Aura – a book that I thought I had to write.
Nathan Fillion There are people who have energy that say ‘don’t come near me, don’t get too close.’ There’s people like Adrienne Shelley who have the energy of ‘come over here and give me a hug and if you’re around me you’re going to be happy about it.’ – Nathan Fillion
Jason Aaron Putting together a list of heroes for ‘Original Sin’ was a long process, just like figuring out the villains. Along the way, some were taken out, and a few more were added. – Jason Aaron
Sarah Lancashire I don’t like comparing projects. I find it too difficult because I can’t objectively look at a piece when I’m so subjectively involved it. – Sarah Lancashire
MedicalRobert Urich Charge forward with hope and get the best medical advice you can. Talk to your friends, neighbors, family, and together you attack it. We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can always control how we react to it. – Robert Urich
Paul Hoffman If there was to be a new Europe, there not only had to be a common market, but also great mobility in labor. – Paul Hoffman
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