Jamie Lawson I have no nerves at all about singing or playing stuff… and if I can have a cup of tea nearby, then I’m very much at home. – Jamie Lawson Cup Quotes Nearby Quotes Nerves Quotes Playing Quotes Singing Quotes Stuff Quotes Tea Quotes There’s no real music on television unless it’s music television, and then it’s expensive videos, which people like me can’t do. I was in a band at school, and almost from the day we started, I started writing songs, just because that seemed what you did.
Megan Smith Net neutrality is such an important principle for the Web and for the Internet. It’s how the Internet’s operated for all this time. – Megan Smith
Matt Barnes I just think, obviously as players, we’re held to a higher standard. I’ve had to watch myself on that, but I think if we’re held to higher standards, the owners should be held to even higher standards. – Matt Barnes
Sloane Crosley I used to think that nails-down-a-chalkboard was the worst sound in the world. Then I moved on to people-eating-cereal-on-the-phone. But only this week did I stumble across the rightful winner: it’s the sound of a baggage carousel coming to a grinding halt, having reunited every passenger on your flight with their luggage, except for you. – Sloane Crosley
Stan Laurel Sight gags had to be planned; they required timing and mechanics. Occasionally, spontaneity would arise in the shooting of the scenes. – Stan Laurel
Clay Aiken I went to school for special education. I always assumed when I had the opportunity I would love to try and help kids with disabilities. – Clay Aiken
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