Antonie van Leeuwenhoek I have often endeavoured to view the circulation of the blood in terrestrial animals, but without success, by reason that no parts of their bodies were sufficiently transparent. – Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Animals Quotes Blood Quotes Bodies Quotes Circulation Quotes Endeavoured Quotes Reason Quotes Success Quotes Terrestrial Quotes Transparent Quotes View Quotes Just as the supposed number may differ from the true number by fully 100, 150, or even 200 in a flock of 600 sheep, so may I be even more out of my reckoning in the case of these very little animalcules. No one can pretend to say that a fish is ever killed by heat, for many kinds of fish, in the middle of summer, and in the burning heat of the sun, do either play, as it were, on the surface of the water, or hide themselves under the leaves, weeds, or other substances at the bottom.
Ray J I think the way you prevent your man from cheating on you is to just have a good understanding about who he is first. If you know that the guy you’re with is a player and he’s already kind of living the life, you know what you’re getting yourself into. You have to be real with yourself. – Ray J
Jimmy Scott All I needed was the courage to be me. That courage took a lifetime to develop. – Jimmy Scott
Sarah Jessica Parker My son doesn’t know how flawed I am, how flawed we are. He still likes us so much, and that’s so incredible to be around. – Sarah Jessica Parker
Miles Davis You’d be surprised. Drummers ape each other. The way every rock n’ roll record sounds like something else but not all together. Everything other drummers play, if you’re playing drums, they all hear. – Miles Davis
George Soros Increasingly, the Chinese will own a lot more of the world because they will be converting their dollar reserves and U.S. government bonds into real assets. – George Soros
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