David Milch I have several different masks that I wear. – David Milch Masks Quotes Wear Quotes In college, I started to get soaked in the materials. Subsequently, I worked with R.W.B. Lewis, Robert Penn Warren, and Cleanth Brooks on a history of American literature – I did that for seven or eight years. In the course of that work, my interest in Faulkner deepened and has been sustained ever since. For a long time, I felt that was actually the best I could ever hope for – to pretend to be a good person – because I was quite the opposite.
James Toney I don’t care if you white, black, Mexican, Chinese or a MaxBoxing columnist, you all a bunch of sissies to me. – James Toney
Robert Greene The passive aggressive arguer comes armed with tricky tactics. They cannot take the risk that they might be wrong: their self-esteem is too intertwined with their opinions. It is more important to affirm their rightness, and sense of superiority, than to arrive at the truth. – Robert Greene
Sue Wicks You shouldn’t just work on your jump shot. You should work on being a better person, a better teammate, and a better friend. – Sue Wicks
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