Lana Del ReyMusic I have taken taking my music to labels for years, and everyone just thought it was creepy. They thought the images with the music were weird and verging on psychotic. – Lana Del Rey Creepy Quotes Images Quotes Labels Quotes Music Quotes Psychotic Quotes Verging Quotes Weird Quotes Hip-Hop isn’t just music, it is also a spiritual movement of the blacks! You can’t just call Hip-Hop a trend! My music is a luxury.
ArtBilly SundayMothers Day There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing. – Billy Sunday
Phil Taylor I think we’ve got every chance of being an Olympic sport and, if they did put us in, I know they’d sell a lot of tickets and the atmosphere would be fantastic. I would love to see it, I really would. If you want to sell tickets and get thousands of people there, then do it. – Phil Taylor
David Nail I pay such close attention of the record making process that most people would assume are very little and wouldn’t be that big of a deal; the packaging, the title, and the harmonies, I think, are arguably as important as the lead vocals. – David Nail
Amber Valletta Everybody’s constantly growing. In your twenties, you can learn a lot, and you can be very smart and clever and savvy. Especially these kids today. They seem like they have it all together. But let’s talk to them again when they’re 40 years old and see really who they are. Is it who they thought they were at 25? – Amber Valletta
Eliza Scanlen I don’t know why actors are just attracted to really messed up people, but it almost makes it more fun, in a perverse way. – Eliza Scanlen
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