Ron Carlson I have these habits. I’m not a crazy artist. Or am I? – Ron Carlson Artist Quotes Crazy Quotes Habits Quotes If we’re really writing, we are exploring the unnamed emotional facets of the human heart. Not all emotions, not all states of mind have been named. Nor are all the names we have been given always accurate. Writing a book is very personal. It’s a very personal relationship. A book will start with something as simple as two men talking about work. That gets the fire going. Sustaining that fire is the hard work. It takes attention and empathy to hone the characters.
Clint Smith One does not read a poem by Gwendolyn Brooks with hopes that it will grant him a career in engineering; he does so because poetry helps him see something in the world that he might not have seen before. – Clint Smith
Alberto Salazar I think in running, to be honest, that even though athletes are very dedicated and are willing to train and do whatever they need to do to prepare, more often than not they’re not in a very professional environment where you’ve got a high performance director and a coach that are really monitoring your daily activities. – Alberto Salazar
BusinessMick Jagger I never really studied business in school. I kind of wish I had, but how boring is that? – Mick Jagger
Javed Jaffrey If we can ape other shows or even start Indian versions of international series by taking their franchise, why can’t we take our shows to an international level? – Javed Jaffrey
Shawn Mendes Island Records was the first record label to… acknowledge me. After that, quickly, Republic Records, and then Atlantic Records, Sony Records and Warner Bros. It was all the labels at once. It was absolutely insane, like, knowing that this many record labels were interested in me. – Shawn Mendes
Rory McCann I live out in the country in Scotland and know that if I close my eyes, I can recognise every sound. – Rory McCann
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