Beto O'Rourke I have to convince other Democrats and Republicans that it’s wise to invest in the U.S.-Mexico border, not just for security, but also for mobility and trade, and that’s why we should open up the border. – Beto O’Rourke Border Quotes Convince Quotes Democrats Quotes Invest Quotes Mobility Quotes Republicans Quotes Security Quotes Trade Quotes Usmexico Quotes Wise Quotes There were absolutely times in my life when I tried to get people to call me Robert. In terms of immigration, we’re seeing a lot of Democrats and Republicans use the really elastic term, ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform,’ and they don’t totally understand what that means. For us in El Paso, it’s part of a larger discussion about the nature of the border.
Joan D Vinge The mers were also designed to reproduce only at long intervals, in order to maintain the natural balance of the environment in which they were placed. – Joan D Vinge
Naseeruddin Shah My agent wanted me to audition for Dumbledore’s character after Richard Harris died. I was asked if I would like to audition for it. But I wouldn’t audition for it. – Naseeruddin Shah
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