Josh Fox I have to have faith that we’re going to succeed in transforming where we get our energy from. The big worry is whether or not we’re going to do it before it’s too late. And I think nobody knows the answer to that. – Josh Fox Answer Quotes Energy Quotes Faith Quotes Late Quotes Succeed Quotes Transforming Quotes Worry Quotes As a journalist, you have to have multiple sources and verifiable science, and when you’ve done that and satisfied the most skeptical voice in your head, you have an obligation to ride through the streets – let people know what’s going on. What we’ve got is the wholesale embrace of fracking domestically, internationally and for export. And this couldn’t be further from what we really need to do to address climate change.
Lupe Fiasco I don’t hate the music, but I hate the process. When I look at it, I don’t see song titles and artwork, I see the fight – I see the emotions, the blood, sweat and tears. There are a couple of songs on there that I love; but ‘Lasers’ is a little bit of what you love, a little bit of what you like, and a lot of what you had to do. – Lupe Fiasco
Bobby Flay Brushes are crucial for applying glazes, sauces, and oils. The pastry brushes that you find in homestores can be pricey so pay a visit to your local hardware store and pick up a few paint brushes which are less expensive and work equally as well. – Bobby Flay
FitnessZeynep Tufekci We have long known most everything there is to know about what the average adult in reasonable health needs to do for fitness, and how. There is no new fad to uncover, nor is the science of it an unknown, complex field. – Zeynep Tufekci
Benjamin Percy I can write ten or twelve screenplays in the time it takes me to write one novel. This allows me to offload all of my stories. But it’s also not as creatively fulfilling. – Benjamin Percy
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