Alexis Ren I have to have sun. That’s why I travel so much. – Alexis Ren Sun Quotes Travel Quotes I’m from L.A., and we don’t usually get out of our workout clothes if we’re in them. Mid-morning is a good time for selfies because of the natural light.
Peter Landesman When a director is also a writer, everyone on the production looks to him, knowing he gave birth to the idea. There’s a different level of viability. – Peter Landesman
Jimmer Fredette Even though sometimes you don’t get the minutes you want to, you’ve just got to continue to work hard and know that if you keep playing hard and doing the right things, then eventually things will turn your way. – Jimmer Fredette
Cody Simpson My first taste of theater was my middle school play. We did ‘The Jungle Book.’ I auditioned for Mowgli, which I didn’t get. I ended up playing a part as one of the monkeys. – Cody Simpson
Greig Fraser The real kudos need to go to my family, who have supported my crazy filmmaking dreams – from Melbourne, to L.A., England and the wider world – by supporting my projects and passions over the past years. – Greig Fraser
Douglas William JerroldSports The only athletic sport I ever mastered was backgammon. – Douglas William Jerrold
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