Dimitri Payet I have very special memories of the West Ham fans. – Dimitri Payet Fans Quotes Ham Quotes Memories Quotes Special Quotes West Quotes My managers understood that when I sulk, they talk to me. It’s a way for me to be heard. If I’m forced to leave West Ham, it will be done according to the rules – the club will have its share of the cake.
Michelle Williams I mean, I am still such the-good-girl. I want everybody to like me. I want everybody to be happy. – Michelle Williams
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem I decided to make a lifetime commitment against social injustices, against inequalities, and that is why I am profoundly from the Left. – Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
Joanna LumleySpace NASA space scientists have been studying giraffe skin so they can apply what they learn from it to the construction of spacesuits. – Joanna Lumley
Chesa Boudin My father, David Gilbert, is in prison in New York. He is lucky that he has a single cell, not shared with another person. His cell is about eight feet by eight feet. – Chesa Boudin
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