Gerald Green I have vets like Antoine Walker, Greg Buckner, Mark Madsen, and Michael Doleac who keep me motivated to want to get better. – Gerald Green Antoine Quotes Buckner Quotes Doleac Quotes Greg Quotes Madsen Quotes Mark Quotes Michael Quotes Motivated Quotes Vets Quotes Walker Quotes I’m just trying to look at everything as positive as I can to keep me motivated. I go to Milwaukee, I get cut, that really put a funk in me. I’m like, ‘Man, it’s over for me. I can’t even make it in training camp now?’
Dan LipinskiTechnology I hope that we can continue this cooperation on other critical issues related to America’s future technological competitiveness. We must work together to encourage the creative talents that have made our country the world leader in technology. – Dan Lipinski
Peter Milligan Over at Marvel, I have a five-part series coming out very soon. The books or chapters will appear weekly. It’s called ‘5 Ronin’ and features some iconic Marvel heroes as you’ve never seen them. – Peter Milligan
Dharmendra Luckily, I have always received an abundance of love. The more I received, the more I craved for it. – Dharmendra
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer My husband and I had a very pragmatic agreement right from the start: whoever earns more works full time. So we switched the classic roles. – Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer
ComputersOren Etzioni What are we going to do as automation increases, as computers get more sophisticated? One thing that people say is we’ll retrain people, right? We’ll take coal miners and turn them into data miners. Of course, we do need to retrain people technically. We need to increase technical literacy, but that’s not going to work for everybody. – Oren Etzioni
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