Aishwarya R Dhanush I have written to Cabinet Minister Venkaiah Naidu to add a stuntman category in the National Awards to appreciate the work they do. – Aishwarya R Dhanush Add Quotes Awards Quotes Cabinet Quotes Category Quotes Minister Quotes Naidu Quotes National Quotes Stuntman Quotes Venkaiah Quotes Written Quotes The problem in South is we don’t have access to much of Hindi cinema. I never wanted to become an actress to avoid the pressures of looking good all the time.
Eddy Alvarez Long track is more of a symphony… You’re out there and you want to get in the zone. – Eddy Alvarez
Steven Squyres These rovers are living on borrowed time. We’re so past warranty on them. You try to push them hard every day because we’re living day to day. – Steven Squyres
Brett Goldstein Fame and success and awards should never be the aim. The aim should be: Are you enjoying the making of the thing? – Brett Goldstein
Jarvis Cocker I’d always fought against presenting radio really, because my father was a radio DJ in Australia. He’s just recently retired. And I kind of didn’t want to follow in his footsteps. But I suppose, as we all find as we become older, to some extent we do all become our parents. – Jarvis Cocker
Dave Martinez Every year that I have under my belt, I’m a lot more confident and a lot more prepared for the challenges of being a manager. – Dave Martinez
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