Dean Winters I have yet to do a job where I would really get to rock the great clothes. I’d love to do a job where I could wear Thom Browne. – Dean Winters Browne Quotes Clothes Quotes Job Quotes Love Quotes Rock Quotes Thom Quotes Wear Quotes When there’s not ten feet of snow on the ground, I ride my bike down the streets of New York, and I literally hear two things out of car windows as cabs pass by me: They either yell, ‘Hey, dummy,’ or ‘Hey, Mayhem.’ I really love Paul Smith. And Chrome Hearts. They make the most beautiful, high-end leather and outerwear and jewelry you’ve ever seen. But I’m not a big fan of shopping. I certainly am a fan of clothes and especially people that put time into the construction of them.
Avery Brundage For too long the world has failed to recognise that the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement are about fine athletics and fine art. – Avery Brundage
Roland Joffe I cannot forget a conversation that I had with an elderly couple from the tribe. They asked me whether I would kill them after I had finished. When I asked them why they asked that, they replied, Because you white men always do! – Roland Joffe
Jen Lancaster The Tao of Jen was very much the Tao of hiding everything that didn’t look good. The Tao of Jen is wearing a cocktail dress with underwear with holes in it. The Tao of Jen is all style and no substance. – Jen Lancaster
Paterson Joseph The marvellous thing about Proust – although it must have been a nightmare living in his head – is he forgot nothing. His obsession with detail is extraordinary, the way the sun plays on a room, the smell of the air. He’s like Van Gogh, seeing things in a way that no one else has seen them before. – Paterson Joseph
Sudha Chandran Crime is a subject that needs to be looked at in-depth since the percentage is on the rise. – Sudha Chandran
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