Dan Jenkins I haven’t looked for a golf ball since mulligans were free, which was a law I passed in 1995. – Dan Jenkins Ball Quotes Golf Quotes Law Quotes Looked Quotes Mulligans Quotes Passed Quotes Title IX came along and changed a lot of things for the better, but nevertheless, it meant that money became more important. The greatly anticipated 2009 Masters was like going to a Broadway hit and finding out that the star, Sir Tiger Woods, was off that night, and his replacement was the cab driver who dropped you off at the theater.
Lee Ann Womack And to me, I had come out of Texas, and during that time was when I realized that a lot of people in Nashville, their idea of what country music was was not the same as mine. – Lee Ann Womack
Samuel Ervin Beam I don’t necessarily enjoy playing concerts, although that has gotten more fun with a band. But the one thing I always have enjoyed is making records and being in that creative environment. And that has become a lot more enjoyable having other people involved. – Samuel Ervin Beam
Brandon Ingram If you can score the ball, it doesn’t really how big or small you are. – Brandon Ingram
Alice Temperley I like the Hotel Costes, on rue Saint Honore, a boutique hotel near the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre and the Tuileries. I love the dark, moody decor as well as the fantastic scented, candlelit pool in the basement. – Alice Temperley
Mike Krieger Having a scriptable infrastructure requires upfront work but can pay huge dividends in bringing new engineers onto your infra team, as well as helping in disaster-recovery scenarios. – Mike Krieger
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