Robin Leach I helped launch ‘ET’… I like to see things start, grow, and then move on to better things. – Robin Leach Grow Quotes Helped Quotes Launch Quotes Start Quotes I wanted no other job than to work in newspapers. I was fascinated by the process of collecting information, talking to people and having the story appear in a paper that would be delivered in your letterbox. I built the ideal house down in the Caribbean. All Englishmen dream of leaving the rain of England and getting a place in the sun – out in the grounds with separate guest houses; that is the ideal scenario.
Douglas Brinkley It’s very important that we keep these special, wild places. It defines the United States. Imagine our country without our national parks and our monuments. Here in California, imagine if you didn’t have in Southern Cal the Channel Islands or the great Highway 1, Big Sur up to Point Reyes up to the Redwood country. – Douglas Brinkley
JrRobert Kennedy When my father started talking about strip mining in the Appalachia back in the ’60s, I remember a conversation I had with him where he said, you know, this is the richest state in the country if you look at the resources and the land, but the poorest people after the state of Mississippi: the 49th poorest people in the country. – Robert Kennedy, Jr
Peter Hedges I wouldn’t say I’m a religious person, but I am definitely inclined toward asking the big questions. – Peter Hedges
Marisol Nichols I can bring Rain with me everywhere I go, but when she’s in school, I don’t know what I’ll do. The longest I’ve been away from her is three days, and I cried my eyes out. The first day of school will be so hard. – Marisol Nichols
Halle Berry I carried my Oscar to bed with me. My first and only three-way happened that night. – Halle Berry
Queen Christina It is necessary to try to pass one’s self always; this occupation ought to last as long as life. – Queen Christina
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