Artem Lobov I honestly feel that Khabib is as big as he is in Russia because of Conor McGregor. – Artem Lobov Conor Quotes Feel Quotes Honestly Quotes Khabib Quotes Mcgregor Quotes Russia Quotes Having your hands up doesn’t stop you from getting knocked out and there are a lot of advantages to having your hands down. It’s also more exciting because it looks very impressive from the fans’ perspective, which is a big factor in the entertainment business. If you look at Mayweather’s fights he often likes to get into the clinch, but what is a boxer in a clinch against a wrestler, an MMA fighter?
Rylan Clark-Neal Things like ‘I’m A Celebrity,’ when they’re going to a trial, they might reset the camera for a bit or give a briefing that’s not on camera. But ‘Big Brother,’ you see everything. – Rylan Clark-Neal
Lawrence Osborne Military history is essential to understanding any history and, moreover, is a terrifying and sobering study in the realities of human nature – for yes, to me, such a thing exists, and history indeed proves it. – Lawrence Osborne
Samantha Ponder There is such a stigma on both sides of being a working mother, and you can fall into the trap of what you think everyone else thinks you should be doing instead of what your instincts and standards say you should do. – Samantha Ponder
MotivationalRabindranath Tagore You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. – Rabindranath Tagore
Shaun Wright-Phillips Sometimes it’s about gritting in and getting the results. – Shaun Wright-Phillips
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