Shuji Nakamura I hope that energy-efficient LED light bulbs will help reduce energy use and lower the cost of lighting worldwide. – Shuji Nakamura Bulbs Quotes Cost Quotes Energy Quotes Energyefficient Quotes Hope Quotes Led Quotes Light Quotes Lighting Quotes Reduce Quotes Worldwide Quotes The most important thing I learned at the University of Florida is that a Ph.D. and writing papers is very important in the United States. There are still people in Japan who think money is something evil.
Suleyman Kerimov To fly into Moscow was a joy. I was trying to understand what people were thinking and how to earn money. In the end, I stayed. – Suleyman Kerimov
James Dean I also became close to nature, and am now able to appreciate the beauty with which this world is endowed. – James Dean
Olaf Carlson-Wee If the Numerai fund performs well, that should lead to more assets under management, which should lead to more revenue for Numerai’s general partner, which should lead to higher payouts for the data scientists, which implies a higher Numeraire valuation. – Olaf Carlson-Wee
Spencer Boldman When I was ten, I loved movies like ‘Cool Hand Luke’ and ‘Roman Holiday.’ When I watched those things, I felt like it was such a good escape. It wasn’t even that I needed an escape, but I wanted to be an actor so I could give that feeling to someone else. – Spencer Boldman
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