JrLouis V GerstnerTeacher I initially wanted to be a teacher, and then I was going to become an engineer and build bridges and highways, but pretty soon I went into the business world. I never did get to be a teacher except in a different way. – Louis V Gerstner, Jr Bridges Quotes Build Quotes Business Quotes Engineer Quotes Highways Quotes Initially Quotes Louis V. Gerstner Quotes Pretty Quotes Teacher Quotes In high school, I was Mr. Choir Boy. I had solos, I was helping out the tenors with their parts and our choir teacher would ask me what songs we should do. I remember my fourth grade teacher reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and ‘Stuart Little’ to us – both, of course, by E. B. White. His stories were genuinely funny, thought provoking and full of irony and charm. He didn’t condescend to his readers, which was why I liked his books, and why I wasn’t a big reader of other children’s’ books.
AB de Villiers I believe I am strong mentally. My breaking points might be bigger than most players. I think it’s because of the way I grew up with my two older brothers. They pushed my limits quite often – once every day, I think! I think that played a big role in my breaking point being bigger than most players. Not all players. – AB de Villiers
CourageFearPlutarch Courage consists not in hazarding without fear; but being resolutely minded in a just cause. – Plutarch
Jeremy Lin I absolutely would not have liked playing in Spain or somewhere like that, so I was just gonna do it a year. Then I was gonna be done. – Jeremy Lin
Jennifer Lawrence I never think it’s right to chew gum in front of other people, but a lot of times I’ll come in for a meeting chewing gum and I’ll forget I’m chewing it. Then you don’t want to swallow it because it stays in your system for seven years or something, so I’ve asked to throw it away. I’ve started to wonder if that’s why I didn’t get certain movies. – Jennifer Lawrence
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